Saturday, December 14, 2013

State of California Department of Motor Vehicles

                Time: 4:30 PM
                Date: 12/05/2013
                Location: State of California Department of Motor Vehicles 
                111 W. Alma Avenue 
                San Jose, CA 95110

                  During my visit to the DMV, I was able to talk to one of the employees about the scavenger hunt and ask her if I had permission to take pictures around the place. My arrival to the DMV was packed with loads of people, especially for a Thursday. It was very crowded around the DMV, so it was tough to talk to some of the employees. In addition, I was able to get a Driver's Handbook that contained information about driving and registration. The Driver's Handbook included details such as obtaining a driver's license, registering for classes, safety rules, and registration requirements. To sum up, my experience at the DMV was satisfying because I was able to learn new things from the DMV Driver's Handbook that I never had heard before. To add on, this booklet can be a good guidance for me to study when I want to take my permit and driving test in the near future. 

Local Office of Senator Jim Beall

                Time: 4:50 PM
                Date: 12/6/13
                Location: Local Office of Senator Jim Beall 
               100 Paseo de San Antonio, Suite 209
                San Jose, CA 95113

                     When I arrived to the local office of Senator Jim Beall, I was able to get a brochure in front of his office. During my arrival, there was a session taking place at the time so I wasn't able to introduce myself to Jim Beall. Luckily, the brochure that I received was helpful because it included information such as his biography, contact details, and his career background. In addition, I learned that Jim Beall's main role in society is to make a difference in his community by giving back to those that are less fortunate. Jim Beall has been serving for Silicon Valley for over twenty years with honor and love within his community. To sum up, my experience visiting Jim Beall was rewarding because I got to learn a little bit of his background even though I didn't have the chance to take a picture with him nor meet him personally. 

ESUHSD Representative: Magdalena Carrasco

Magdalena Carrasco

                Time: 4:10 PM
                Date: 12/12/2013
                Location: East Side Union High School District Annual Organization & Regular                             Meeting of the Board of Trustees 
                830 N. Capital Avenue
                San Jose, CA 95133

                   After I had given my goodbyes to J. Manuel Herrera, Magdalena Carrasco                                  arrived and I was honored to meet her. As a result, I told her the purpose of the                                 scavenger hunt project and therefore, asked if she could answer a                              few questions. She was kindly generous to accept the offer and so I inquired                                her a few questions. She gave me information about her career and had discussed the importance of the board meeting. Nonetheless, it was a pleasure to meet one of the members of the Board of Trustees and to learn about Ms. Magdalena Carrasco. 

ESUHSD Representative: J. Manuel Herrera

J. Manuel Herrera
        Time: 4:02 PM
                Date: 12/12/2013
                Location: East Side Union High School District Annual Organization & Regular                             Meeting of the Board of Trustees 
                830 N. Capital Avenue
                San Jose, CA 95133

                When I arrived to the East Side Union High School District Board Meeting, I was able to introduce myself to the Board Vice President, J. Manuel Herrera. He was kind enough to take a photo with me and to answer a few questions. We had a brief discussion about the board meeting topic and we had gone over a packet given to us when I arrived. The packet listed the agenda for the board meeting such as information about discussions and conferences. To add on, J. Manuel Herrera also had given some background about himself when I had greeted him at the front door. He discussed his career on public policies and his viewpoints about it. As a result from the meeting with the Board Vice President, J. Manuel Herrera, I had learned a lot about his background, his career and getting to experience a meeting with the Board of Trustees.  


ESUHSD Representative: Van Thi Le

Van Thi Le

                Time: 4:21 PM
                Date: 12/12/2013
                Location: East Side Union High School District Annual Organization & Regular                             Meeting of the Board of Trustees 
                830 N. Capital Avenue
                San Jose, CA 95133

                            I was fortunate to have met one of the few members of the Board of Trustees known as Van Thi Le. It was an amazing experience to meet the Board Clerk who represents the East Side Union High School District. After I had spoken to her about the purpose of the scavenger hunt project, she was more than willing to answer a few questions and to also take a photo with me. I had specifically questioned about her career and achievements within these past years. From the answers that were given to me, I had learned that Van Thi Le served as a community leader for over twenty years and has been one of the first elected in the year 2010 for a four year term. Also, she had explained to me a few of her interests and accomplishments toward this year. Overall, my experience with Van Thi Le was inspiring to see such a well-educated yet kindhearted woman at the midst of her career.

East Side Union High School District Annual Organization & Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

                Time: 3:50 PM
                Date: 12/12/2013
                Location: East Side Union High School District Annual Organization & Regular                             Meeting of the Board of Trustees 
                830 N. Capital Avenue
                San Jose, CA 95133

                 To start off, I was thrilled to attend the East Side Union High School District Board Meeting because I would meet all of the board of trustees, especially the board president and vice president. Before they began their closed session, I was able to meet a few of them and introduce myself. I had the chance to meet three of the board of trustees members known as Van T. Le, J. Manuel Hererra, and Magdalena Carrasco. They were nice enough to take a picture with me and answer a few questions about themselves. Unfortunately, I didn't stay too long for the session, but I was able to get a packet that listed the agenda for the meeting. For the most part, I learned a lot of background from the board of trustees members and was able to experience part of the meeting. 

County of Santa Clara Local Courthouse

                Time: 3:55 PM
                Date: 09/13/13
                Location: County of Santa Clara Courthouse
                55 W. Younger Avenue 
                San Jose, CA 95110

                When I arrived to the County of Santa Clara Courthouse, I was able to meet one of the sheriffs named Daryl McChristian. My friends and I introduced ourselves to the sheriff and explained to him the purpose of the scavenger hunt. I was given permission to take a picture and ask him a few questions about the County of Santa Clara Courthouse. He explained the general information about the court such as the policies, procedures, and laws. In addition, he explained a little bit about his career as a sheriff and his responsibilities. Moreover, I had attained background information about the courthouse such as the early history and modern court trials.

California State Assembly District Office: Nora Campos

                Time: 4:15 PM
                Date: 10/11/2013
                Location: California State Assembly District Office
               100 Paseo De San Antonio
                San Jose, CA 95113

             My visit to the California State Assembly District Office was amazing and rewarding. I was able to attend the meeting place known as the State Assembly Chamber. After I took a few pictures of the magnificent State Assembly Chamber, I had permission to meet one of the members known as Nora Campos. She represents as the Speaker Pro Tempore for the twenty-seventh district. In addition, I had asked her a few questions about her career and her role as a Speaker Pro Tempore. After my conversation with Nora, she offered one of her business cards to me, as shown above. Overall, my experience at the California State Assembly was truly unforgettable because I had attained information from Nora Campos about her role within our society, with the addition of being able to experience the presence of the State Assembly Chamber.

County of Santa Clara Government Center

                Time: 5:31 PM
                Date: 12/13/2013
                Location: County of Santa Clara Government Center
                70 West Hedding St. San Jose, CA 95110

                The last stop for my scavenger hunt was in the County of Santa Clara Government Center. When I made my arrival to the destination, I was looking forward to meet most of the board of supervisors. When I went inside the building, I was able to find Dave Cortese's office and luckily his business card. In addition, I was able to find some information about the County of Santa Clara Govt. Center such as upcoming board events and a list of the supervisors. Overall, even though I didn't have a chance to meet the board of supervisors, I still had the chance to explore and learn a few details about the department.