Saturday, December 14, 2013

East Side Union High School District Annual Organization & Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

                Time: 3:50 PM
                Date: 12/12/2013
                Location: East Side Union High School District Annual Organization & Regular                             Meeting of the Board of Trustees 
                830 N. Capital Avenue
                San Jose, CA 95133

                 To start off, I was thrilled to attend the East Side Union High School District Board Meeting because I would meet all of the board of trustees, especially the board president and vice president. Before they began their closed session, I was able to meet a few of them and introduce myself. I had the chance to meet three of the board of trustees members known as Van T. Le, J. Manuel Hererra, and Magdalena Carrasco. They were nice enough to take a picture with me and answer a few questions about themselves. Unfortunately, I didn't stay too long for the session, but I was able to get a packet that listed the agenda for the meeting. For the most part, I learned a lot of background from the board of trustees members and was able to experience part of the meeting. 

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