Saturday, December 14, 2013

Local Office of Senator Jim Beall

                Time: 4:50 PM
                Date: 12/6/13
                Location: Local Office of Senator Jim Beall 
               100 Paseo de San Antonio, Suite 209
                San Jose, CA 95113

                     When I arrived to the local office of Senator Jim Beall, I was able to get a brochure in front of his office. During my arrival, there was a session taking place at the time so I wasn't able to introduce myself to Jim Beall. Luckily, the brochure that I received was helpful because it included information such as his biography, contact details, and his career background. In addition, I learned that Jim Beall's main role in society is to make a difference in his community by giving back to those that are less fortunate. Jim Beall has been serving for Silicon Valley for over twenty years with honor and love within his community. To sum up, my experience visiting Jim Beall was rewarding because I got to learn a little bit of his background even though I didn't have the chance to take a picture with him nor meet him personally. 

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