Saturday, December 14, 2013

California State Assembly District Office: Nora Campos

                Time: 4:15 PM
                Date: 10/11/2013
                Location: California State Assembly District Office
               100 Paseo De San Antonio
                San Jose, CA 95113

             My visit to the California State Assembly District Office was amazing and rewarding. I was able to attend the meeting place known as the State Assembly Chamber. After I took a few pictures of the magnificent State Assembly Chamber, I had permission to meet one of the members known as Nora Campos. She represents as the Speaker Pro Tempore for the twenty-seventh district. In addition, I had asked her a few questions about her career and her role as a Speaker Pro Tempore. After my conversation with Nora, she offered one of her business cards to me, as shown above. Overall, my experience at the California State Assembly was truly unforgettable because I had attained information from Nora Campos about her role within our society, with the addition of being able to experience the presence of the State Assembly Chamber.

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