Saturday, December 14, 2013

ESUHSD Representative: J. Manuel Herrera

J. Manuel Herrera
        Time: 4:02 PM
                Date: 12/12/2013
                Location: East Side Union High School District Annual Organization & Regular                             Meeting of the Board of Trustees 
                830 N. Capital Avenue
                San Jose, CA 95133

                When I arrived to the East Side Union High School District Board Meeting, I was able to introduce myself to the Board Vice President, J. Manuel Herrera. He was kind enough to take a photo with me and to answer a few questions. We had a brief discussion about the board meeting topic and we had gone over a packet given to us when I arrived. The packet listed the agenda for the board meeting such as information about discussions and conferences. To add on, J. Manuel Herrera also had given some background about himself when I had greeted him at the front door. He discussed his career on public policies and his viewpoints about it. As a result from the meeting with the Board Vice President, J. Manuel Herrera, I had learned a lot about his background, his career and getting to experience a meeting with the Board of Trustees.  


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